Stefani’s Surprise: Part Deux
Back in October I received the surprise of all surprises at the station; a listener had dropped off a framed, autographed "Music Man" poster at the front desk with a simple message saying that in my keep, the giver would know it was in good hands.
Let's fast forward to last Saturday when I was broadcasting live with the Rocker Classic Truck. A woman walks up to me and hands me this:
Stefani Bishop
You're looking at a framed, autographed "Spamalot" poster, and what perfect timing with Farmer's Alley mid-production. Joan strikes again! Her cousin is an actor in Chicago; his autograph can be found to the left of the "M" in "Monty Python.
Stefani Bishop
Thank you, again, Joanr! Tell that talented cousin of yours to keep on keeping on!