
McKellyism Videos
McKellyism Videos
McKellyism Videos
I've got another vacation coming up and the hardest thing about being away is how much the rest of the staff misses me.  For the record, they miss me lots and lots.
Laughed Today?  No?  I Give You “Two Monks Invent More Art”
Laughed Today? No? I Give You “Two Monks Invent More Art”
Laughed Today? No? I Give You “Two Monks Invent More Art”
Not all "funny" is equal.  I might snicker at a viral video of a cat not sticking his landing.  You know that Mike McKelly's stupid puns get me every... single... time. But my favorite kind of funny - the kind of funny that tickles every part of my brain - is intelligent, historically based humor (I'm looking at you, Eddie Izzard...