Bill Beekman, MSU Athletic Director, announced that he would resign from his position with the school, but would still be in the position until his replacement is found, which is currently underway at this time.
Retirement requires a lot of planning and consideration. In addition to finances, you need to think about when and where you’ll retire. Forbes Magazine has come up with the top cities to retire in for each state.
Please join me in congratulating Mike McKelly on 30 years of service on the Rocker and well wishes for his retirement. Cheers, Mike! Thank you for all the rockin’ memories. We will miss you.
When a member of Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety retires, there's often a party, some gifts, a few speeches with light-hearted and well-meaning ribbing. I have a feeling that this retirement is going to be filled with a lot of "good boy"s. Bodi, a longtime member of the KDPS K9 unit, is retiring