Jack Black brought a cake out to Kyle and told him to make a wish, and the response that Kyle gave as he blew out the candles was 'Don’t miss Trump next time.'
Get signed up below starting July 5th to win a pair of tickets to see Tenacious D at the Wings Event Center on October 25th. We will pick winners on Monday, July 15th, and contact you if you win.
There's also a little Easter egg in the movie The Pick of Destiny, as the scene with the dream sequence where they perform Master Exploder, KG is seen wearing a Kalamazoo shirt, which he even addresses in the band's commentary on the DVD and shows love for the city and the shirt.
The 'Purple Nurple Tour,' an epic trek planned across this great nation has been waylaid by COVID-19. Jack Black and Kyle Gass will not tour as Tenacious D in 2020.
Streaming service HBO Max -- which has finally been added to Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices -- has an amazing library, including loads of music-related titles. We've picked a few things that are worth seeking out.