The Largest Pumpkin Pie Ever Made Was In Ohio
There have been some seriously massive pies made in Michigan and Ohio, and with Thanksgiving almost here, you gotta' wonder just how many people you could feed with a world-record-setting pie.
Traverse City, Michigan is well known for its cherries and they currently hold the record for the world's largest cherry pie. Charlevoix and Traverse City have been going head-to-head for this record for years. Back when Charlevoix held the record in 1976, they used nearly 15,000 lbs. of ingredients, which was outdone by Traverse City, themselves, and then T.C again.
New Bremen, Ohio broke its own record of 2,020 pounds for the World’s Largest Pumpkin Pie on September 25, 2010, after they successfully baked a 3,699-pound pumpkin pie. How many ingredients would it take to defeat that record? Well, this is how much was taken to set it according to Pumpkin Nook:

The world’s largest pumpkin pie was made in New Bremen, Ohio. Amazingly, this pie was 20 feet in diameter and weighed 3,699 pounds! This was the biggest attraction at the 2010 New Bremen Pumpkinfest. What’s the recipe for a world record pumpkin pie? All you need is 1,212 lbs of canned pumpkin, 2,796 eggs (233 dozen), 109 gallons of evaporated milk, 525 pounds of sugar, 7 pounds of salt and 14.5 pounds of cinnamon.
According to a rough calculation, that's somewhere in the ballpark of an equivalent of 1,200-1,400 normally-sized pumpkin pies. Meaning if you made a pie slightly bigger than the world record, you could give a piece of pie to about 12,000. It's something to shoot for, but I can only imagine how many whipped cream bottles would be needed to top it all off.
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