The Lodge In South Haven Stops Reservations Because of Rude Customers
The Lodge has really transformed from what it once was since opening during the pandemic, but many locals say this is the go-to spot in town. Over the course of the past two months, however, there has apparently been some rudeness towards the staff which has resulted in The Lodge in South Haven taking a stand for their employees. They recently voiced their unhappiness in an announcement stating that in the future they'll be ending their reservation services:
Effective immediately, we will no longer be accepting any reservations going forward. The process we put in place has been abused in more ways than we care to list here. Our entire restaurant inside and out will be seated on a first come first serve basis. It really pains us to have to do this but it pains us, even more, to watch how people have treated our staff over the past few months. They have been belittled, screamed at, and frankly, people have just been downright mean. We will no longer tolerate it.

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People who have worked in the service industry shared their struggle, having dealt with verbal abuse in the past themselves:
As a retired sever of 42 years you have made a wise decision I also live in a resort town Traverse City we do go back to reservations for our community in the late fall and winter, and summer no reservations. There’s a fine line between server and servant be kind to people be patient
Having worked in the food industry for 16 years, it's embarrassing how people will act towards others who are providing a service for them. Mistakes happen and more times than not, those employees feel bad for them. Don't make them feel like sh-- because you can't control your emotions and throw a child-like tantrum. It's food.
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