These Stores Will Be Closed on Thanksgiving 2020
Grab another slice of pumpkin pie and see if the Lions really do pull one out at the end. These major retailers will not be open on Thanksgiving this year.
As the pandemic stretches into the winter months, I don't see Black Friday shopping crowds being what they have been in the past. Typically the busiest shopping day of the year, Black Friday- the day after Thanksgiving, won't look the same in 2020. For some, the shopping tradition has been moved up a day as some retailers begin holiday discounts before the dishes are cleaned up from the Thanksgiving feast. A number of big box stores in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek are already announcing they will be closed on Turkey Day.
These Stores are Closed on Thanksgiving 2020
So, will many of the same Black Friday deals migrate online to stores' websites? Will Cyber Monday begin earlier? Will you be doing your holiday shopping curbside this year? Watch our site for the best deals coming soon at the big box stores for Black Friday, but don't forget your community entrepreneurs and shop local on Small Business Saturday.