Do you have a super secret that you wish you didn't?  You know... a talent that you REALLY shouldn't go braggin' about? wanted to know, so they polled their users.

What's something you're good at but wish you weren't?

Here are some of their best responses.

1.  Remembering the names of people who've forgotten mine.

2.  Online stalking.  I've found out too many things.

3.  Overhearing conversations.

4.  Making people feel like crap with just one expertly-delivered comment.

5.  Computers.  I rarely end up using my talents for anything but being free tech support for every friend, family member, and coworker.

6.  Lying.  I do it compulsively, usually for no reason, and never get caught.

7.  Not crying.  There are times I wish I'd just let it out . . . or when people think I'm heartless because I can't.

8.  Gaining weight.

It's your turn!  The Rocker Morning Show wants to know, what's something you're good at but wish you weren't?

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