Battle Creek Fire Fighters Win Oprah Pizza Party
The Battle Creek Fire Department were the lucky winners of an Oprah Winfrey contest. The contest began on October 1, 2018. Participants had to post a reply in the comments section of Oprah’s Instagram or Twitter page and include the hashtags #Othatsgoodpizzaparty and #contest or reply to Oprah’s Facebook post about the O’ That’s Good Pizza Party, including the same hashtags #Othatsgoodpizzaparty and #contest. The contest ended at 11:00 a.m. Monday, October 15.
Shortly after the contest ended, the Battle Creek Fire Department received word they would be the recipients of the "O, That's Good! Pizza Party" and a request for photos.
Upon seeing the photo's Oprah replied "loves me some firefighters and this gives me an idea!." What does it mean?!
While the Battle Creek Fire Department did not win new cars, I'm sure they will gladly accept an Oprah "Pizza Party".