Kalamazoo Parents Weigh In On Whether They’d Use Baby Formula Past Its Date
One major question which has most likely come up among parent amidst the baby formula shortage is whether or not it's safe to use the formula past its "use by" date. As a parent we wanted to ask whether or not you would use formula if you were in a pinch, even though it surpassed it's date. A lot of Kalamazoo parents chimed in on the conversation, all of which bringing up solid points.
One person pointed out how the sell by or best by date on other products may not be so strict:

Everyone says canned goods are good for 5 years past there sell by date. Formula is a canned good and completely sealed. I would feed it to my child if I had to and not sweat about it.
Another parent pointed out that they even tested out this theory on themselves:
I ate tomatoes from a can 2 yrs past the date. Still here and they tasted fine.
Still, one man took this as a chance to question the FDA and question if they're responsible for the shortage themselves:
Don't you think the question you should be asking us how our so called FDA let these plants get in unsanitary conditions in the first place?? They are suppose to be inspecting them quite regularly....what do you think a parent will do in mode if desperation???especially a young parent???...I remember a mixture of powdered milk and kayro syrup...goats milk also along with milk straight from the cow after being strained...but the FDA says that's not good...but it worked back then.
The general consensus is that it wouldn't be harmful, however, the USDA has said that you should never use baby formula past it's expiration date:
Dating is required on infant formula under the Food and Drug Administration inspection, but dates on baby food are not required. If the manufacturer has put a date on the baby food, however, use it before the date expires.