Clothing Drive Aims to Help Kalamazoo Needy
With all the controversy surrounding the song Baby, It's Cold Outside, we tend to forget that, baby, it really IS cold outside. If you have a warm coat, thick boots, and too many hats to choose from, count yourself lucky. There are many in our community who don't. The Kalamazoo Baptist United Open Church is organizing their first ever clothing drive for needy families in our community, January 3rd through 10th. Donations of shirts, pants, sweaters, coats, hoodies, shoes and boots, undergarments and socks, snow pants, gloves, hats, mittens, and scarves at any of their drop-off locations:
- Park Street Market, Kalamazoo
- Midtown Market Fresh, Kalamazoo
- Lighthouse 11th Street Church, Kalamazoo
- Taste of Heaven, Kalamazoo
- More drop-off locations coming soon!
Donations of money are being accepted now. Click here to learn more about the clothing drive and to donate.