Colors and Cocktails at Brite Eyes Brewing
Looking for a unique date idea, girls-day-out, or mother/daughter bonding time? Brite Eyes Brewing in Kalamazoo is hosting a Colors and Cocktails event, where they invite you to sip, paint, and socialize, Sunday, July 29th from 2:30-5pm. Unlike other wine and painting events, the project is not canvas art; it's functional glassware. Choose to paint either two glasses, a wine bottle with fairy lights, or a vase. Keep it for yourself, or create a gift for a friend. $35 per person covers all paint and materials. Bring some extra cash to enjoy one of Brite Eyes great brews (beer or their excellent coffee) and great food. Eat, drink, paint, and take home your one-of-a-kind piece of functional artwork!
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