Did you know that Michigan ranks fourth in the United States for total acreage dedicated to hops? I suppose with all the craft breweries popping up, meeting Michigan's demand for these tasty little flowers shouldn't come as a surprise. And guess what... it's harvest season!

High Five Hops Farm
High Five Hops Farm

West Michigan Beer Tours is teaming up with the Moga family, the owners of High Five Hops Farm in Marshall, along with Dark Horse Brewing Co. and Territorial Brewing Co., for a Hop Harvest Beer Tour from 12pm-6pm, Saturday, August 25th. Tour the fields and learn about the growing and harvesting process, while all the while sampling Michigan beer using hops from High Five Hops Farm. Registration is from noon to 1 p.m. at Old Burdick’s Bar & Grill inside the Radisson Plaza Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo, then off the Dark Horse Brewing Co., followed by the farm visit, and then on the Territorial Brewing Co. before returning to Kalamazoo.

High Five Hops Farm
High Five Hops Farm


Tickets start at $69. Discount hotel rooms at the Radisson are available by clicking here. For more information visit West Michigan Beer Tours website by clicking www.westmichiganbeertours.com, or call 269-350-4598

High Five Hops Farm
High Five Hops Farm

West Michigan Beer Tours was founded by John Liberty and Aric Faber in 2013. They specialize in private tours for corporations, organizations, associations, conferences or a group of friends or family members.

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