Kalamazoo Schools Could Be Left Without Substitute Teachers
It's weird to say that the difficult times refer to companies struggling to find enough employees to continue; let alone grow, expand and be more prosperous. It's in our face everyday wherever we go. We see help wanted or now hiring signs on just about every business and that trend doesn't seem to be declining.
One of the areas of concern is also one of the most vital- the education of our children. We're already seeing the teacher shortage affecting the school systems and now comes the report from wxyz.com that one of the major companies that facilitates substitute teachers is completely shutting down. The company is called The Professional Educational Services Group and they abruptly terminated all employees yesterday. The Detroit area will be affected the most but the company had about 15,000 teachers in their system representing 110-120 school districts which could very well affect ours. Get more of the story by clicking HERE.