Kalamazoo YMCA Golf Event a Great Time For All
For the second year in a row, I was honored and privileged to help out with the YMCA's Strong Kids Golf Classic yesterday at the Moor's. The 27th annual event was a huge success for the Y and my lack of golfing talent helped provide more money to the organization and more opportunity for the players to win some great prizes.
My purpose was to hit a shot on the peninsula par 3 15th and let the contestants try an get closer to the pin to get into a grand prize drawing. Now some might think I purposely hit several balls in the water so more golfers would be enticed to pony up the money to beat me. That, of course, would be a lie but if anyone felt s certain amount of joy then that's my pleasure.
And remember what this event was about. To secure scholarships for kids and families who couldn't otherwise afford to be a part of this great organization. For More information about the Greater Kalamazoo YMCA and how you can help click HERE. And check out some pics...