This Michigan Ice Cream Parlor Has A Challenge That’s IMPOSSIBLE
Now that we are finally into summer in Michigan, many frozen yogurt, frozen, custard, and ice cream shops will be seeing the busiest time of the year as people look for yummy ice cream cones to treat themselves during the hot season.
There are so many great places and locally owned shops that serve ice cream, and that’s normally where you will find the best flavors. There’s something about going to Mom and pop ice cream shop, that really brings you the exact kind of comfort that ice cream should bring. One place is an ice cream shop, The Hayloft Ice Cream Parlor in Decatur that has a size that dwarfs all other ice cream challenges in the state:
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The hayloft ice cream parlor in Decatur, Michigan, features and ice cream challenge like none other, which they describe as containing everything but the kitchen sink: “Everything but the Kitchen Sink” is the largest dish our menu! It has 12 giant scoops and 10 toppings of your choice! And, we take a photo of any person or group who finishes it for our “Wall of Fame”!
I love me some ice cream, but I don’t know if I could live with myself if I was able to take down this challenge by myself. Maybe if I had a few people with me I would give it a shot. Do you think you have what it takes to take this ice cream challenge in Decatur alone? One thing for sure is that someone is going home with a stomachache by the end of it.