Michigan Goes WILD With Vanity Plates, and There Are Some Great Ones
When I went to the Secretary of State's office a while back to officially get my license plate, I couldn't help but ask about a vanity plate. I see them everywhere and wondered WHY they were so prevalent.
Turns out, it's insanely cheap to get one - only like $30 I think? You'd pay a premium in other states for something like that, so it's no wonder Michiganders go WILD on those Vanity Plates, and we've compiled some of the best!
First of all, the tag and plate experience in Michigan, overall, is SO freakin' easy, AND cheap. For my new license, plate, and tag, I spent what I would have spent just for a renewal in my last home. So count your blessings there.
THEN, you have the option to fully customize your car with vanity plates, at a drop of a few bucks?
Come on. Of COURSE everyone gets one, and BOY are there some creative ones. It's become a game with us in the office to "collect" photos of some of the best ones, so I thought I'd share some of them.
Starting with this gem...
There is no MORE PERFECT license plate to exist in all of Michigan. Tack on the way that driver is holding his hands to his head, it's likely he says this often enough to justify it being on his car.
This next tag, we actually need some help deciphering...
Is that a bad abbreviation for "People Chubbin?" God, I hope not.
And finally, the car and the plate match perfectly here...
Pretty clear which Guardian of the Galaxy is this driver's favorite. Just imagine how many stickers are on "ROCKET1" that he had to get another vehicle, with another tag.
There's a ton more, which you can see in the gallery below.
Michigan... stay creative... and a bit weird.