For those of you who live in Portage, you're pretty familiar with that soft knock on the door this time of year. You know it's a student from Portage Northern or Portage Central High School going door-to-door with a unique way to help the March of Dimes and their continuing efforts to help premature babies. It's Breadlift. Believe it or not, the simple act of selling loaves of bread door-to-door for cash donations has been responsible for the student senate at the Portage schools raising over $425,000 over the last 53 years. This year, their goal is $25,000. Here's how you can help...

Breadlift will start at 9:00am and run through 4:00pm on Saturday, November 23rd. Those in the Portage area can expect to hear a knock. If you are not in the Portage area, but would still like to donate, you can visit the "Bread-Quarters" in the Lower Commons of Portage Northern High School. Every little bit helps for those in knead. Get it? I'll see myself out.


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