Michigan Will See a Near Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017
Remember to mark this date down - August 21, 2017 will see a solar eclipse cross the United States. Michigan will see about a 90% eclipse.
The path of the total eclipse will pass a few hundred miles south of Michigan with Carbondale, Illinois being the location of the longest duration eclipse at 2 minutes and 41 seconds.
Across Michigan, 80-90% of the sun will be eclipsed. The Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids areas will see around 85% of the sun eclipsed by the moon and it will occur around 2:20-2:25 in the afternoon.
The very best spot in Michigan for viewing the eclipse (although it will only last seconds longer and be slightly more eclipsed) is the extreme Southwest corner of the state in New Buffalo and the villages of Grand Beach and Michiana.
A word of caution from NASA, it is not safe to observe a partial eclipse like Michigan will see without protecting your eyes,
The only time that the Sun can be viewed safely with the naked eye is during a total eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the disk of the Sun. It is never safe to look at a partial or annular eclipse, or the partial phases of a total solar eclipse, without the proper equipment and techniques. Even when 99% of the Sun's surface (the photosphere) is obscured during the partial phases of a solar eclipse, the remaining crescent Sun is still intense enough to cause a retinal burn, even though illumination levels are comparable to twilight.
Here's a map that shows the path of the eclipse. See the full map here.
Bonus Videos: Natural Michigan
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