Hastings Assisted Living Home Puts On Spicy Bikini Contest
Normally when you think of a bikini contest, you're thinking of tans, strong bods, and summer weather.
Well, a recent bikini contest that took place at Thornapple Manor in Hastings didn't necessarily have any of those, but definitely was more fun than any other regular bikini contest. Residents and staff bore all, well, not really, as they did give it their all as residents took turns judging the hot little numbers.
Sure, those hot little numbers were actually designed on cardboard paper and nobody got undressed, but these are the kind of shenanigans employees of any company live for. Tara Beach is the Activities Director at Thornapple Manor she told me that these kinds of days a frequent where she works:
I always leave here with a happy and very fulfilled heart. I am blessed to be a part of this chapter in our residents’ stories and without Thornapple Manor I would never have the opportunity to do. I am able to make a positive impact on the lives of those around me daily. Those of my peers and our residents, And they do the same for me even if they do not know it.
She then explained how they came up with the idea after seeing a similar event on video:
We collected card board boxes and then drew on the bikinis and speedos. The residents then painted and decorated them. Some of them designed specifically for certain staff who had told the residents they would take part. The residents had a fun designing the swim suits and everyone had a great time during the bikini show. Lots of laughs and smiles by staff and residents alike. Our goal is always to have fun and laugh.