These Circular Lakes Near Traverse City Are Actually Kettle Lakes
I came across a fascinating topic that was brought up in a group I belong to regarding things happening in and around Traverse City. Somebody brought up these lakes or ponds which are almost perfectly circular in shape. How could a pond become perfectly circular naturally?
Indeed there has to be an explanation and without fail, many theories started to arise out of the area of water that was once called Spencer’s Pond:
Twin lake is like that in certain places as well. They used to use it for bomb testing in the 1930s and 40’s. I remember my Granpa telling that it[sic] over 150 feet in areas where the bombs landed. -Mary
Did A Meteor Hit?
Another theory someone came up with was that thousands of years ago we may have been struck by a meteor:
A geologist once told me that he believed all of the various lakes in that area were formed by a meteor strike. It’s certainly an interesting theory. -Penny
The OP even went on to say that the lake was possibly a sinkhole and possibly bottomless:
Anyone ever recall hearing that this lake, (no name) just southeast of twin lake campgrounds was bottomless? You’d never know it was there driving past. It’s at least 75-100’ below the road elevation. Almost vertical slope to the water. Tried to fish it once from shore. Gave up quick once I saw the grade. -Jason
The Truth Behind It
It turns out the pond resides on private property and the owner of it had to clear a lot of those rumors.
Firstly, there were never any bombs dropped in that area, nor was it caused by a meteor. Also, it clearly isn't bottomless as he pointed out the lake at its lowest depth does reach an impressive 65 feet and is filled with trout.
It's actually what's known as a Kettle, which is when blocks of dead ice that are left behind by retreating glaciers, become surrounded by sediment deposited by meltwater streams. Over time the water will collect and rest, sometimes causing deep ponds or lakes to form.
So sadly, it's not as cool as bomb testing or a meteor strike, but still, you'll want to ask permission if you want to see it yourself.