What The….? Someone Stole Ch. 8’s Bill Steffen’s Car
Even being a beloved weatherman emeritus doesn't prevent you from having your car stolen. WOOD-TV8 Chief Meteorologist Bill Steffen posted late Monday on Facebook that his vehicle had been stolen.
"My 2015 Ford Explorer, Caribou in color (brown), was stolen between 4-5 pm this evening from the parking lot of Craig’s Cruisers (54th and Clyde Park.) License plate is DEA9928. It is identical to the picture below.
If you see this vehicle, DO NOT APPROACH IT OR ATTEMPT TO FOLLOW IT. You could endanger yourself or others.
If seen, please call 911 immediately and report the location. Thank you all.
Security footage shows a man getting in the car. Before I could cancel the (one) credit card he got...he had made purchases at a nearby Metro PCS and a liquor store...both places should have security cameras that we can look at." -WOOD-TV's Bill Steffen via Facebook.
Steffen just recently semi-retired, moving into the role of Chief Meteorologist Emeritus in the TV station.