.1K 2018 – A Silly Race for a Great Cause
It's back, baby! The Ultimate Extreme Ultra .1K! Finally a chance to put a humble-bragging sticker on the back of your car, proudly proclaiming you ran something and it was for a great cause! The Ultimate Extreme Ultra .1K helps Hospice Care of Southwest Michigan whose mission it is to guide and support people and their caregivers coping with illness. This year's .1K is September 22nd, and it's back on the mall - which is perfect, because you'll want Taco Bob's after burning all those sick calories. Registration is $25 and the first 500 people to sign up get a free t-shirt and swag bag full of goodies. Event activities start at 10am with race package pick-up and sign-in in front of Gazelle Sports. The Kid's Fun Run follows at noon with the main event kicking off at 12:30. It's a fun way to raise money for a wonderful organization in our area. Be a part of it! Make it a tradition! I have...
Click here to register, get more information, or donate!