Battle Creek Bronson Urgent Closing & Re-opening In New Location
There's going to be a major change for the Watkins Road Bronson Urgent Care located in Battle Creek, as they've just announced they'll be closing and opening up in a brand new location. Residents may have noticed the construction happening on Columbia Avenue which is where they announced the new location will be, after a short closure in the middle of the week:
After seeing patients for several months at a temporary location on Watkins Road, Bronson Urgent care is relocating to a newly built, permanent location on Columbia Avenue, just east of Helmer Road. The new Columbia Avenue location is easy to find between Meijer and Starbucks on the south side of the street. It is only 2.4 miles or a 5-minute drive from the Watkins Road location and just 5 miles from Bronson Urgent Care’s former Beckley Road location.

When Will It Close & Re-open?
As far as the staff and services, phone and fax numbers, and hours of operation, which are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week, those will all remain the same. Bronson Urgent Care’s last day at Watkins Rd. is Tuesday, September 5th and it will reopen at 2151 Columbia Ave. on Friday, September 8. You can reach Bronson Urgent Care at (269) 979-6888.
At Least THEY Have Help
Battle Creek is happy just having an Urgent care in the neighborhood that can be accessed daily. There are communities like Muskegon who have publicly been outraged that systematically, they have lost hospitals and are left with very few options left in the area for emergency healthcare, and their urgent care office isn't open after 5 pm.
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