Kalamazoo Could Put Another Nationally Owned Car Wash On Stadium Dr.
We've joked about it a lot before, but there are a number of businesses that seem to be multiplying in the Kalamazoo areas, from dispensaries to storage facilities, and of course car washes. There apparently seems to be some controversy kicking up as a once proposed but shot-down car wash that was trying to be put on the Southeast corner of Drake and Stadium now looks like a real possibility.
This Thursday, April 6, at 7 p.m., the Kalamazoo City Planning Commission will be holding a meeting on the second floor at 241 W South St., that will include a report on the city planner's Zoning Code Update, and Parkview Hills Neighborhood Exchange, Kalamazoo, MI has pointed out an alarming note about the meeting that has the potential of impacting the Assylum Preserve:
In the Zoning Code Updates 2023, when you zoom on the interactive map to the Stadium and Drake intersection, it shows that the parcels between the Asylum Lake preserve and Stadium are proposed to change from the RM15/RS5 (Single and multi-family dwelling) to CC (Community Commercial) zone. The CC designation is the most intensive development zoning allowed in that area and is the only specific zoning that would pave the path for a car wash or gas stations without further variances.
They also cite another rule that further leads them to believe this change could happen:
There are also outlined in Chapter 50: Zoning Ordinance Winter ‘23 documents several changes to the rules around the zoning but one that jumps out is one which adds to the rule that "A car wash requires a special use permit" the telling phrase "except in Community Commercial (CC)."
They're asking people who are against this to stand up and speak out at the meeting:
Please consider attending the planning commission meeting or send emails to the Assistant City Planner Liaison: Pete Eldridge (eldridgep@kalamazoocity.org). These significant changes will endanger Asylum Lake Preserve and deserve everyone’s input.