Nothings says summer like a hot dog. And nothing says autumn like chili. So if you're not ready for summer to be over and you're kicking and screaming in protest as we welcome fall, why not enjoy the perfect transition food; chili dogs. A little bit of summer and a little bit of fall all in one bite!

That's right, God's Kitchen is serving a FREE dinner Wednesday, September 26th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm. Enjoy a beef or turkey chili dog, chips, cole slaw, and a bottle of water thanks to the God's Kitchen volunteers at First Baptist Church, 315 W. Michigan Avenue, downtown Kalamazoo. No income requirement to participate! If you or someone you know is hungry and could use a hot meal, come down to God's Kitchen. Everyone is welcome.

Bonus Video: Annual Rubbing of the Meat


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