Kalamazoo Woman Wins RKR’s Trip to Seattle to See Nickelback
Imagine a typical Tuesday morning, doing your regular things, when all of the sudden you get a call from an unknown number.
Do you answer it?
One Kalamazoo gal is glad that she did.
Hesitantly, Angelica Gutierrez said, "Hello?"
"Angelica, this is Mike and Stefanie from WRKR...Guess what?" said Mike McKelly of 107.7 RKR. "You won the trip to see Nickelback and meet them backstage in Seattle!"
Angelica was shocked.
"Are you serious? No fricken way! Oh my gosh! This isn't a joke, is it?" Angelica asked. "I'm jumping all over my kitchen right now! Holy macro."
Angelica and a guest (Charles Kelley of Kalamazoo) won RKR's trip to Seattle, Wash. to see Nickelback in concert. They'll receive roundtrip air fair from June 19 to 21, two nights at a hotel, two tickets to the Nickelback concert at the Gorge Amphitheatre, $500 spending cash and a backstage escort to meet Nickeback.
Angelica said she thinks she'll be speechless when she meets Nickelback.
"It'll just be a pleasure to shake their hands and get a picture taken with them," she said. "That'll go in my memory box for sure."
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