Last Minute Change Keeps Michigan Pot Smokers Out Of Prison
The degree to which the upcoming November elections and the possibility of legal recreational marijuana varies among Michiganders. Some are obviously giddy with excitement, while others see it as a necessary evil and still more don't really care one way or another. What many will find hard to get used to is an activity that was once illegal will now be like having a drink. Right now if you're caught with a certain amount you could face several years in prison and tens of thousands of dollars in fines.
That's what came up to the Board Of Canvassers and they realized language on the ballot didn't address the change in penalty for more than the legally allowed amount. According to our friends at wwmt.com, currently that amount could result in 4 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. The change was made on the ballot to a $100 fine. Check out more of the details by clicking HERE and get ready to PARTY ON!!!