Battle Creek’s Post Cereal Is Suing Rock Band ‘Ok Go!’ Over Their Name
The Battle Creek-based Post Cereal is serving up 2 spoonfuls of saltiness and is apparently trying to bully the band 'OK Go!' out of their band name. That's according to the band released a statement in regard to the lawsuit that was filed by POST against the band in reaction to the cease-and-desist they sent to the cereal maker in September of 2022:
A big corporation chose to steal the name of our band to market disposable plastic cups of sugar to children. That was an unwelcome surprise, to say the least. But then they sue US about it? Presumably, the idea is that they can just bully us out of our own name since they have so much more money to spend on lawyers. I guess that’s often how it works, but hopefully, we’ll be the exception.
Part of A Well-Balanced Feud
The letter came late last year for the purpose that, unlike collaborations that the band has done with other brands, people would mistake this new brand being in association with 'OK Go!' the band. Post pulled no punches against the band in response to the cease-and-desist commenting on the other collaborations they've been a part of:
Given the length of time that has passed since that limited collaboration over a decade ago, the very small number of views indicated on the YouTube videos you referenced, and the general consuming public’s rather short attention span, it will also have absolutely no bearing on consumer perception of Post’s mark OK GO! used with cereal or cereal-based snacks, and will not lead to any mistaken association with OK Go.
They Might Be Besties
The band They Might Be Giants made a post of their own on social media backing up their friends, who have been a band as OK Go! since 1998, which prompted a funny comment on how other brands might be coming for other bands:
What's next, They Might be Jolly Green Giants Brussels Sprouts?
The following bands may also be in fear of getting sued for their names...