The Bish Gished 2020
Once again, I participated in the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt, or GISH. It eight days of absolute insanity, where teams of 15 people from all over the world complete tasks in order to get points and hopefully win the grand prize of going on vacation with actor Misha Collins, creator of the GISH. Don't get me wrong, my team takes this very seriously and we are "in it to win it," but the most important thing is that we have a lot of fun, make some memories, and share some laughs as we go down the list.
This year GISH added a new section of the task list, the Kids Menu. These were items that had to be completed by a child under the age of 10, and really helped to get the kids involved in play in an especially difficult time. From seeing how many books you could balance on your head to drawing pictures of the family using only condiments, the Kids Menu was just as messy (and GISHy) as the big kids list.
This year we filled a pinata will our negative self talk and beat the crap out of it. We sang a socially distanced refrain of Kansas' Carry On My Wayward Son. We even parachuted passed customs... kinda. It was one hell of an exhausting week, but so worth it.
Check out all the shenaniganizing below!
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