Have You Checked Out Goodwill by the Pound in Grand Rapids?
Longtime listeners/readers will know that I participate in an annual scavenger hunt known as G.I.S.H., or the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt (the World Has Ever Seen). Instead of finding things, like a penny with the year you were born or a bottle opener keychain, participants in GISH are tasked with creating things and spreading love and whimsey in the process. Just check out the weird crap we got up to last year, and the year before that... and even the year before that.
Not knowing what will be asked of us year by year, it's smart to stock up on what you might need, and since you're not sure if you'll use it, or, more importantly what kind of a shape it will end up in after use, I'm not inclined to spend a whole lot of money. That's when I discovered Goodwill by the Pound just outside of Grand Rapids. What you pay is based on weight. $1.29 per pound, to be exact. So, how did my first GISH shopping trip go to Goodwill by the Pound, what did I find, and how much did I spend? Check it out...
Goodwill by the Pound
Although it's very strange to sort through bins and tables, rather than organized aisles, you learn the "rules" pretty quickly. Give yourself plenty of time, as there are only a certain number of people allowed in the store at a time, and don't forget that the Grandville location is separated in to two spaces, so make sure you ask where the "fabrics" are before you check out.
All in all, I'd say it was a successful hunt for hunt supplies...