A Dollar Drive Thru Thank You
A great big "thank you" to everyone who came out to support our 6th Annual Dollar Drive Thru to help end child hunger in our area.
Thanks to the weather for holding out...
Thank you to the volunteers from On Staff USA and Loaves and Fishes who kept six Drive Thru locations staffed around town...
Thank you to Mike McKelly for his never-ending Dad Jokes. No, I still did not find them a-peeling...
But most importantly, thank you to the hundreds of people who made time in their days to donate in an effort to end the hunger epidemic in our area. As we said all day, hunger doesn't have a face, it has many faces. It is the face of your coworker, your son's best friend. It is young. It is old. It is silent.
If you or someone you know is food insecure, there is help. Call Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes at 343-3663 (that's 343-FOOD), or visit them at their website.