Are Kalamazoo & Battle Creek Drivers Out of Control?
There has been some growing concern from residents in Battle Creek about drivers blowing stop signs and generally being reckless drivers. The conversation has been brought up on multiple platforms, and most recently, a few drivers shared their stories about almost getting into accidents after seeing a careless driver violate driving laws:
Seriously, wondering what Battle Creek, is going to do about the increase in disregard for respectful vehicle traffic decorum and traffic laws in our community. Stop signs and red lights don’t mean much these days and twice this year I have been at the intersection of 20th and Territorial, when a car coming from east Territorial blew through a red light at speeds up to 60mph. It’s a miracle no one has been killed there!

Another local driver shared their experience as well:
Had that happen to me at west Michigan and Washington ave. Good thing I waited a few seconds before moving forward thru the green light.
Accidents In Battle Creek
Earlier this year the Battle Creek Enquirer put out an article showing statistics that said the intersection of Beckley Road at M-66 had the most crashes of any other intersection last year with 67, 12 of which left the victims with injuries.
The year end totals for Battle Creek weren't great either, reporting that last year Calhoun County had 4,512 crashes, which led to 800 injuries and 21 deaths.
Accidents In Kalamazoo
Kalamazoo isn't getting off the hook so easy either. Last years totals more than doubled Battle Creek as Kalamazoo saw 8,236, leaving 2,023 injured and 39 deaths.
When looking at the main reason behind the injury lead crashes in Michigan, the majority of the 476,185 total accidents were for reasons that could have easily been caused by not paying attention or distraction.
What are your thoughts on drivers in Southwest Michigan? Do you feel like these accidents are getting out of control?
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