Kalamazoo Shoots Down Proposed Car Wash Near Asylum Lake, For Now
There has been some heavy controversy in the past few weeks, regarding the asylum preserve, and the proposed car wash that I was planning to make its way on the corner of Drake and Stadium Drive. This prompted the entire community to stand up and protect the asylum preserve as the nationally owned Drive and Shine car wash, was hoping to make its way there.
This prompted thousands of signatures to remove that possibility and for now, it seems that the car wash cannot make its way to that property. In a statement released by the city of Kalamazoo, they said:

The city of Kalamazoo administration is removing two properties at 4301 and 4701 Stadium Dr. near the intersection of Stadium Drive and Drake Road from a citywide commercial zoning proposal which is currently under public review. There is no pending request by the private property owner for development at this location under review by city staff, or the city of Kalamazoo planning commission.
Pretty much what this means for now: We don’t have to worry about a car wash going in near the Asylum preserve, but it doesn’t completely rule it out for the future. The city also said the two properties in question are
Being removed from the citywide commercial zoning code and map update to consider appropriate zoning options for the sites.
So we don’t quite know yet what would go in these locations but for now, it won’t be another car wash. There are over 50 car washes in Kalamazoo and here are some locally owned ones you can visit:
Here Are Some of the Locally Owned Kalamazoo Car Washes You Can Visit
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