When Kalamazoo Students Pranked School By Putting VW Beetle On The Roof
High school is right around that age where pranking people becomes a right of passage and sometimes those pranks can really turn some heads, but in the case of the Volkswagen Beetle that was somehow placed on the roof of a Kalamazoo School, it had people looking up in wonder.
This was a prank that was pulled by a bunch of students at Loy Norrix High School back in 1981. People sharing their memories of the incident remember how this was a regular thing, but an actual car on the roof? Now for context, the car did not have wheels, windows, or even an engine in it, but still...this is clever. One woman even commented on another prank that was pulled in 82':
The year after this car prank, Sara and some friends “borrowed” the Lucky Steer mounted on a trailer (was that on Stadium or Michigan Avenue?), towed it to KCHS, and relocated it to the school parking lot. They didn’t get in trouble supposedly because the school principal didn’t think straight-A students would do something like that.
And apparently, there's another former classmate who said they spoke to someone involved in the Beetle prank:
A former supervisor I had in the late '90s claimed to be part of the crew that did that. He also mentioned something about a Volkswagen beetle being assembled in a vice principal's office one time.
I was never one to pull a massive prank like this off in high school, but if you can do something that's still being talked about 42 years later, you did a good thing.